Episode 1: Speaking the Container into Existence

podcast solo episode Nov 04, 2020

Speaking the Container into Existence.

This is soul saturations, the podcast, a transformational container to activate the light within you. I'm Kendall Merritt, your host, and the founder of soul saturations. We are here to deeply connect with soul centered sensuality and sexuality in relationships, business, and life, so you can access your power and remember your true presence.

Welcome to the first episode of soul saturations, the podcast. I am so honored to be speaking this container into existence because it's definitely something I have been dreaming about for over a year. And now is finally the perfect time. So when I thought about creating this container, I really wanted to think about what the purpose was behind it and the purpose of soul saturations. The podcast is truly to activate the light within you. So this space is safe. It's protected by our guides, our team, the angels, and really just infused with this healing crystalline light energy. And we have to remember...

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