Episode 7: Getting to the roots of conscious relating with Jess Hendrick

podcast relationships Nov 09, 2020

Getting to the roots of conscious relating 

I'm Kendall Merritt, your host, and the founder of Soul Aaturations. We are here to deeply connect with soul centered sensuality and sexuality in relationships, business, and life so you can access your power and remember your true presence. 

Jess is a Conscious Relationship Coach and what that really means to her is learning how to connect to yourself and know yourself on the deepest possible level. It starts with our relationship with ourself and that relationship then sets the tone for every other relationship. She works with people who are in relationship, people who are single people who are dating people who are married the whole gamut, because it really starts with our relationship with ourselves and the conscious part of it is using any relationship that we have as a way to evolve and grow within ourselves. It is kind of shifting the paradigm from thinking of our relationship as something that's supposed to make us happy or meet our needs in a certain way and more looking at it as a mirror for whatever's going on within our own consciousness and using that as a way to expand.

As Jess mentions: "I have a lot of people coming to me with this programming, you know, from our families of origin or society or whatever it is that, you know, I need this, this and this in order to be happy. And that is such a backwards way of thinking, but that's what we're taught. It's really a rewiring of kind of releasing those beliefs and just deciding for yourself like, well, what can I do to make myself happy without like tying it to something outside of ourselves, because as we know, something outside of ourselves can change in any moment, but we need to source our own happiness and our own piece. But you know, it's not something that we're taught... 

I work with people that are in partnership, usually I prefer to do one-on-one work first and then work together with the couple because I feel like it really is about our journey, but I have my clients create their ideal scene, ideal vision of what they want to create in their relationship and put the current relationship on a shelf right now and just think about all of the qualities and all of the components that they would love in a relationship and just get it all on paper, write it down, get clear because if we don't know what we want, how can we move towards that?"

Jess Hendrick and I spend time talking about conscious relationships:
  • What is a conscious relationship?
  • How does our relationship with ourself set the tone for every other relationship we are in?
  • How does the perspective of “I need x, y, z to be happy” affect your relationships?
  • How do you rewire your beliefs to decide how you can make yourself happy?
  • How can you source your own happiness and own peace?
  • How do I show up in a space of conscious relating?
  • What do you do when you start noticing unhealthy things in your relationship?
  • How do you stop turning a blind eye to what the person you are dating is actually showing you?
  • How does the person dating you mirror all your beliefs back to you?
  • How do you overcome the dark night of the soul of a breakup to find a more inspiring way of relating?
  • How do you not make someone wrong from the place of conscious relating?
  • How do you start to recognize red-flags?
  • What is the value of subconscious reprogramming?
  • What’s the value of working with a coach?
  • How can your internal thoughts and stories that exist in your mind give you insight into your beliefs?
  • How does sitting with the discomfort of dating give you the practice to give yourself whatever you need?
  • How can you shift your perspective from the branches of the tree to the roots?

Memorable Moments:

  • "I just want to say one of the core principles that I teach in conscious relationship is never making anybody else wrong." - Jess
  • "We all have our baggage and it could be perceived as toxic, or it could be perceived as something to use to grow." - Jess
  • "A good way to really uncover what's going on in your subconscious is the next time you have a really challenging moment or a really hard day, listen to what your mind tells you." -Jess

Connect with Jess:

In light, in love, and in gratitude, K
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