Episode 20: Relationship Ready with Heidi B

podcast relationships Dec 14, 2020

Relationship Ready with Heidi B 

I am so honored and so excited to introduce you to one of my favorite human beings on the planet. Without further ado, I want to introduce you to my friend, Heidi. Heidi is a relationship expert. She is an author. She is a coach.

Heidi: I left my cubicle job as a crime analyst in 2018 in order to pursue my passion, which was to write this book called Relationship Ready. The book is half how-to and half memoir, because I think it's so important if I'm going to ask people to share vulnerably, to reflect deeply, and to do some writing around this stuff, I need them to know that I've done it and what it looked like for me. I realized that I put everything on blast, not only to inspire my readers but also to make sure that every woman who is suffering out there in their relationships knows that she's not alone.

Other women need to know how to do this. I know I'm not alone.

Kendall: That's exactly it. It's like other women need to know how to do this and I think if you look at your journey and your experience of coaching people and talking to women all over the world, you know, what are some of those things where the bottom falls out? What are the things where they're like "I'm tired of this" or "I don't want to do this anymore"? 

Heidi: Just to clarify, I think men also need this work, but I know that I'm in a position where I'm uniquely qualified to help women. One of the things I don't like about being in the relationship space is that I feel like women are always getting bagged on always getting exploited about having to do the work.

There are a couple of things that I think women run into as roadblocks that cause them extreme pain over and over again...

Some of the topics we cover are:

  • How did Heidi become a Relationship Expert?
  • What is Heidi's book Relationship Ready about?
  • What was the inspiration behind Heidi's book?
  • Why do we settle in relationships?
  • What lessons Heidi has learned from past relationships?
  • Why is this work so important for women around the world?
  • What are some of the roadblocks women face in navigating relationships?
  • How can abandonment wounds impact your ability to choose a partner?
  • How to recognize and understand jealousy in a relationship?
  • Why is it important to have female friendships through this process?

Memorable Moments:

  • "I realized that I put everything on blast, not only to inspire my readers but also make sure that every woman who is suffering out there in their relationships knows that she's not alone." -Heidi
  • "...usually we settled for that stuff because we're afraid that we're not going to find it, or we're afraid we're unworthy" - Heidi

Connect with Heidi

In light, in love, and in gratitude, K


Let's Connect!


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