Episode 12: Activating Your Relationship Potential with a Healthy Sexual Foundation, feat. Heidi B

podcast relationships Nov 10, 2020

Group Coaching Program: Activating Your Relationship Potential!

In this 4 week intensive, we will cover all things Boundaries, Communication, Healthy Sexual Foundations, and Magnetizing and Manifesting Your Ideal Partnership.
Whether you are single or partnered… this is for you! Not only do you have 90 mins each week on our group call, you also get an additional 60 mins of 1:1 coaching time each week. (SO MUCH VALUE!)
Today we give you all the teasers into the third week… and everyone’s favorite topic…S.E.X! Let me tell you a secret….
Having a healthy sexual foundation is the key to create more joy, more pleasure, and more happiness in your life. It doesn’t matter if you are single, dating, in a relationship, or married for 30 years… there is always something else to learn and deeper depths to dive into.
Sexuality is still a taboo topic and a lot of people are curious to know more… and maybe even a little shy to talk about it. This is such a safe container to dip your toes in the water…. You will be so held, loved, and supported no matter what you’ve been through or are going through.
In this conversation today, Heidi and I talk about how to connect with our sexual energy, what it feels like to live a full bodied FUCK YES, and why sexuality and pleasure is fundamental to have in the relationship with yourself, and your partner.
So let's get started!
Kendall: This is Soul Saturations, the podcast, a transformational container to activate the light within you. I'm Kendall Merritt, your host, and the founder of soul saturations. We are here to deeply connect with soul centered sensuality and sexuality in relationships, business, and life so you can access your power and remember your true presence. 

We are here for another teaser of activating your relationship potential with my favorite person on the planet Heidi B
We're going to be talking all things, sex and sexuality today, building a healthy sexual foundation and I think is the reason why it's kind of connected is because so many of us have these perceptions of sex and sexuality that aren't always serving our greatest expression. How we can cleanse ourselves and clear and come from a really stable and solid when we step into our sexual energy, that gives us a whole different perspective and experience overall.
We can always build new tools in our toolbox, especially when it comes to sex. There's always more pleasure, more love, more juicy, more deliciousness. And a lot of us, it takes changing that perspective that we've grown up with. Most people, when we start to think about sex or sexuality, we instantly think of the physical act or we're thinking about our genitals or all sorts of things. And so the first thing that we really want to start off with as we talk about creating a healthy sexual foundation, is how do we start to think of sexuality as more than just that physical act?
We have to think about what our past experiences are and our past experiences often come from past relationships, How we were raised, how we learned about sex and sexuality, what we hear in movies and TV and on the media.
When we start to think about our sexual energy, we always want to start to think about it as the fact that of course it's energy, but what do we want this experience to look like? Feel like, and really like, if we could choose that ideal sexual expression for us and that sexual relationship with our partner, what do we want? What do we desire? And that's, that's where the magic is where we get to start to release and unhook some of those past perspectives of things
Heidi: I'm really thinking about a different, like, just even thinking about it in terms of like being goal oriented versus being like playful, fun, exciting, curious, it's just like an entirely different approach. It's like a whole different lens.
Kendall: That's a really big topic that we spend a lot of time on in our group coaching program is we dive into this whole idea of goal-oriented versus non goal oriented sex and sexual experiences and how do we connect with more of that playful sexual energy? When we start to think about sexual energy, start to think about what does sexual energy feel like in your body?
Heidi: That energy flowing through my body. I want it all the way out my fingertips. I want it all the way down on my feet. Cause it's a good energy.
Kendall: It's that creative energy. It's that passion that we can use to create in our businesses and feeling really inspired and connected with like life and nature and world around us. It's just this magical, magical energy.
We are carrying around guilt and shame and fear and worried about expectations and what it's supposed to look like or sound like or feel like. It blocks the flow from moving fully through our body. When we start to think about the four centers of energy within our body, to be able to think of it as our internal compass checking in tuning in, is this a yes. Is this a green light for me? Does this feel in flow or in alignment?
And our intuition gives us all sorts of information. We just have to quiet ourselves enough to be able to tune in and listen to it and feel that.
Heidi: That's one of the questions that I love that you ask a lot, which is do I feel honored? And I think of that as a heart-centered question. It's like, when I'm with this person, do I feel honored and respected? When you get that full body yes. Then you are in for a treat.
Kendall:It feels like so good and so much in alignment and that internal compass system that we have works on, if you're going to go get a new job.
Making sure you've got the full yes, all over. That's where we really tie in all these different components. All of these different weeks that we've been chatting about is when we can start to set the boundaries, know how to communicate then we get into the juicy, delicious energy piece of that sexual energy that we get to move because our boundaries influence our choices, which influence our actions, which of course pulls through what that impact is overall.
November is our next opportunity to dive in and do this group coaching program with us. We're going to talk about how do you use your sexuality for your own power and cultivating your confidence and self value and self worth and how you show up and walk through a room. We're going to dive into more about that and talking about the difference between how men and women experience pleasure. We'll dive into all those details and we want to create such a safe space to be able to dive in and answer your questions
This is such an epic and transformational container…. We would be so honored to share this space with you!
If you want to know more, reach out to Heidi or I for more information
In light, in love, and in gratitude, K
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