Episode 31: Awakening The GoddUs Within with Elisa Valdes, Founder of GoddUs Rising

sensuality sexuality Mar 01, 2021

Awakening The GoddUs Within with Elisa Valdes, Founder of GoddUs Rising

Kendall: I am so excited to introduce you to Elisa Valdes, the founder of Goddus Rising. Without further ado, I would love to just dive in and start to you share a little bit about who you are and how you shine your light on the planet.

Elisa: I am the owner founder of goddess rising. My business, is really my movement. It's spelled G O D D U S as in us goddesses. We rise together. I's all about tapping into your feminine divinity, your sensuality, your sexuality. My photo shoot sessions are not just your typical photoshoots. They are a self identity and self-awareness, conscious therapeutic investments. I very much love working with all different types of women. I don't believe in Photoshop. I believe that we show up as our most authentic selves and, allow our inner being in our inner goddess to shine bright because we are, we all are, and we all need to rise together.

Kendall: Tell me how...

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