Episode 60: Priority Partnership - What You Don't Know, You Don't Know

Uncategorized Oct 13, 2021

Priority Partnership - What You Don't Know, You Don't Know

How deeply do you want to experience love in your partnership?
Priority Partnership is a container that birthed through my own longing for growth and evolution in my own partnership.
I share this container with you now with honor, gratitude, and excitement! This learning has come through our relationship and I now gift it to you. These are the things we didn’t know, we didn’t know. The most impactful things that have shifted our partnership.
The Workbook:
Please download The Workbook. This free guide will walk you through our biggest takeaways that we didn’t know we didn’t know.
I suggest you take the time to do through this workbook on your own then make the time to go through it with your partner.
The Workshop:
Matt and I will be co-hosting a workshop on September 28th to go through our biggest takeaways and answer questions of how to integrate these tools into your own partnership.
The Container:
I invite 6 couples to be a part of the first round of the couple’s program. 6 weeks to learn the greatest lessons you don’t know you don’t know. Private online portal and access for life of the program.
This container is one part small group coaching container, one part couples coaching so you are learning the tools to integrate into your partnership to deepen your partnership and experience the love you deeply desire.
Week 1: Setting the Container
  • Small Group Call (30 mins)
  • Couples Call - Setting Intentions (30 mins)
Week 2: Polarity and Energy
  • Small Group Call (1 hour)
  • 1:1 Individual Calls for you and your partner (1 hour each)
Week 3: Communication, Desires underneath Complaints
  • Small Group Call (1 hour)
  • 1:2 Couples Call (1 hour)
Week 4: Sexual Essence and Eroticism
  • Small Group Call (1 hour)
  • 1:1 Individual Calls for you and your partner (1 hour each)
Week 5: Embrace, Integrate, Embody
  • Small Group Call (1 hour)
  • 1:2 Couples Call (1 hour)
Week 6: Prioritizing Partnership
  • Small Group Call (30 mins)
  • Couples Call - Making Commitments (30 mins)
In this episode, we talk:
  • Self Awareness is a gift: How do you create polarity?
  • Your partner can’t read your mind: What is the desire underneath the complaint?
  • Give your partner the sex they want: What is your erotic essence?
  • You have to want to do the work together: How do you Prioritize Partnership?
If this work calls to you, I ask that you share this episode and the free workbook at www.prioritypartnership.com with your partner. Feel free to reach out to me directly via email [email protected] or via DM on instagram @soulsaturations
In so much love and gratitude,

50% Complete

Two Step

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