Kendall is a coach, speaker, soul entrepreneur, and the founder of Soul Saturations--a transformational container to help you access your power and remember your true presence. 

Purpose. Pleasure. Possibilities. 

Let's connect deeply. 

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Priority: Partnership

Powerfully Transform the Dynamic of your Partnership

For men, women, and couples deeply desiring purpose driven partnerships. 

Feel yourself fully and meet your partner in deeper love and understanding.

A safe space to feel nourished, honor your commitment to each other, and integrate the tools to proactively handle whatever arises with ease.

Explore what you don't know, you don't know, and embody practices within your nervous system that create lasting change in your body-mind.

Surrender into giving and receiving the love you deeply desire.

I want to prioritize my partnership

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    To Deeply Connect with Soul- Centered Sensuality & Sexuality


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